
Registration for the 2025 Camp Season is now open! Email Deanna at with any questions!

Please read the information on this page carefully. The link for registering is at the bottom of this page once reading is complete.

CampDoc Logo

This year, Nichols Day Camp is once again partnering with to better serve our campers and staff. offers online registration and an electronic health record system for camps.  You can now register your camper and complete their health information all in one place.

The security and privacy of your camper’s health information is important to us.  The site is secure, encrypted, and password protected.  Only Nichols Day Camp office staff will have access to camper health information. To read more about their security policies click here

Once you sign up for a account, you will be able to register your camper and make payments online.  If you enrolled your child through CampDoc last year, you can use the same log-in that you used last year. Afterwards, you will receive more information on how to complete your camper’s health profile.  We’re excited to let you know that most of your camper’s information will save from year-to-year, so once you complete it in, you won’t have to start from scratch next year. sends out periodic reminder emails for outstanding balances and incomplete health information.  These notifications will come from, so please add this to your safe sender list to avoid accidental delivery to junk and spam folders. We don’t want you to miss important notices about camp!

Please note that supports the current and previous major releases of Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, and Safari which provide improved security and performance for health information.

We are excited to continually improve, building safer, more productive and more efficient systems to create the best experience for you and your family!

If you do not have access to an online source, please contact our office and we will be happy to help you through the registration process.

Before you continue to registration please click on links and read information below:

Hancock County “Resident” Definition: Child must attend school in Hancock county to qualify for in-county rates. 

Camperships are need based tuition assistance for up to two weeks of camp is available, in the form of a Campership, to campers who have at least one parent/guardian who is a year-round Hancock County resident. Campership applications are made through CampDoc and appear at the end of the Health profile for your camper. You must register your camper. Campers receiving a full campership will have their deposits refunded. Deposits will be reimbursed if your camper does not qualify for a campership and you cancel your registration upon notification. If the $50 deposit is a hardship, please call our office at 207-374-9906. Payment plans are also available.

The deadline to apply for Camperships is May 31st. Applications that are received after the deadline may be considered if additional funds become available.

Follow this link for Registration Information/Camp Code of Conduct

Follow this link for Information about splitting a two-week session

Cancellations and refunds: Cancellations before April 1st will receive a refund of the balance including deposit.  Cancellations after April 1st and before May 15th will receive a refund of the balance less the $50 deposit.

Except for reasons of serious illness, no refunds will be be made after May 15. No refunds or transfer of funds will be given for withdrawal, dismissal, absence or sick days.

Done reading the above info and links?

  Click on the link below to begin registering!


If you have questions about the CampDoc program, please contact our office manager Heather via email or by phone at (207) 374-9906. We are happy to assist in any way we can! 

Camp Weather
March 28, 2025
Clear sky
Clear sky
Apparent: 25°F
Pressure: 1017 mb
Humidity: 47%
Winds: 2 mph SW
Windgusts: 9 mph