A huge Nichols Day Camp Thank-you-from-the-heart to the many donors who supported and continue to support our 2016 Appeal. Your donations help campers and counselors as they become the best people possible as friends, family and community members.
With Nichols’ 54 years of offering camp to all, no matter the ability to pay, the individuals, families, businesses and philanthropic foundations listed below support the entire Nichols Day Camp community and show their commitment to the idea that Camp Lasts a Lifetime.
Turtle Island ($1.00-$99.00)
Amey Dodge
Anthony & Anne Ferrara
Arthur & Sally Gregg
Blue Hill Inn
Emily Hawkins
Ernestine Slaven
Gusty Lange
J. Miller Tobin
Janet Dewar
Janet Simpson
Joan & Eric Allen
John Ruger and Dee Knisley
Jud & Gretchen Hartmann
Julia Clayton
Kathie and Jack Burnett
Kathleen Hayward
Kathryn Grover
Kay Hansen
Keith & Alison Dibble
Ken & Anne Vogt
Lenette Richardson
Libbey Gulliver
Lorenzo Mitchell
Louis Cooper
Lucy Benjamin and Clifton Page
M.D. Joyce & Co.
Mac and Peggy Eysenbach
Mountain Rebekah Lodge #87
Nancy and Chuck Boothby
Rebeca Peterson
Richard & Mindy Marshuetz
Rising Star Lodge #4
Robert and Amy Visentin
Robert and Margery Ells
Robert Walker
Sarah Schneider
Scott and Trudy Bell
Stephen Parson
Thomas Perkins
William & Christine Leith
William & Maren Rosborough
William & Phyllis Taylor
Walker Pond ($100.00-$249.00)
Barbara Cousins
Barbara Marlow
Ben Wootten
David and Barbara Wardwell
Diane Lyon
Dorrance and Patty Sexton
Eric Anderson
Jim and Bridget Saltonstall
John Richardson
Richard Freeman/Nancee Bender
Snow’s Plumbing & Heating
Thomas & Yolanda Stein
Tony & Sarah Everdell
William & Adele Fletcher
Bagaduce River ($250.00-$499.00)
Bruce & Roberta Boczkiewicz
Eggemoggin Reach ($500.00-$999.00)
Horace & Sylvia Wardwell
W. Lyman and Ruth Phillips
Blue Hill Bay ($1,000.00-$2,499.00)
Blaise and Leslie DeSibour
Forrest Horton
Gulf of Maine ($2,500-$10,000)
Francis & Louise Nichols Foundation
The Stare Fund